We kick off our coverage of indie games the only way we can: randomly! So let’s keep our feet on the ground as our character doesn’t in the mountain climbing exploration game Jusant!

We kick off our coverage of indie games the only way we can: randomly! So let’s keep our feet on the ground as our character doesn’t in the mountain climbing exploration game Jusant!
This was a triumph! I’m making a note her, huge podcast episode! Well … not that huge. Average at best. Our expectations were already set so low … Sorry! GlaDOS infected our notes there, but this week we put Myles through Portal for the first time! Does the game hold up? Listen and find out!…
It’s PAX (Penny Arcade Expo) Mania this week! We had a ball with the amazing creators of Dragoon, a table-top game taking Kickstarter and PAX East by storm! Nick Berbece, creator of the insanely fun and equally PAX-popular video game, Move or Die, joined our little party to talk about the progress of his game and…
In this week’s show, the boys try something new. A Pseudo week-in-review as Patrick picks some news from the week and the gents discuss and answer questions.
In this week’s episode, Mike and Drew come up with a zero-g battle plan to read Orson Scott Card’s Science Fiction classic, Ender’s Game. Talk Nerdy to Me: STEAM SALE! Also, Drew plays Lego Star Wars: Episode One and The Force Unleashed 2! Mike watched Troll Hunter and The Big Year and plays XBLA’s Spelunky! This…