Episode 262: Drifting Into Starfinder with Jason Sansbury

On this week’s episode we welcome The Drift Podcast‘s host Jason Sansbury to the show to talk about the upcoming Starfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo. We discuss his podcast, the game, and our expectations for August in this interview. Plus the boy’s (short one Myles) has an exciting new announcement. Next Week’s Challenge: Melissa Jane…

Episode 209: Roll For 5th Anniversary!

It’s our 5th ANNIVERSARY! In celebration, Patrick conducted a game of “Dungeons and Dragons” (technically Pathfinder) for Myles and Drew to figure their way through. It’s an interesting learning experience for the RPG noobs as well as a fun adventure. Here’s to 5 more years! Fortnight’s Challenge: Myles Birthday Challenge! Watch the Full Moon Pictures Film:…