WHAT?! Another Special Edition? “Why?” You ask? Because Mike and Drew don’t know how to read! So, while you wait for the proper episode The More You Nerd, check out what Mike and Drew have to say about Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan! Will Drew’s continued attempts to get Mike interested in Star…
Podcast: The More You Nerd
Episode 23: Portal 2 Peer Review DLC – The Podcast Is A Lie
In this week’s episode, Mike and Drew try something new and hope not to lose subscribers in the process! They play Portal 2’s Peer Review DLC while recording… Who thought this was a good idea? Blame Mike. Talk Nerdy to Me: Mike won’t shut up about Skyrim and Drew catches up on more Gundam, relives the…
Episode 22: Mister X – CAN YOU DIG IIIIIIIT!?!?!?!?
In this week’s episode, Mike and Drew read art deco, psychic architect filled comic Mister X! Talk Nerdy to Me: Mike and Drew talk shop about DC Universe Online. Mike plays the HELL out of some Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. And Drew neck stabs some templars and gets emotional with Deep Space 9. This week’s challenge: (courtesy…
Episode 21: The Legend of Zelda – HEY! LISTEN! HEY! LISTEN! HEY! HEY!
In this week’s episode, Mike and Drew get all nostalgic over one of the best games ever made, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. AND They watch the first three episodes of The Legend of Zelda Cartoon. Talk Nerdy to Me: Drew played some Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood and Mike watches some How It’s Made, IT…
Episode 20: Bleach – The Musical Episode
In this week’s episode, Mike and Drew do some soul searching. AND THEN HUNT THOSE SOULS!!! We watched Bleach! Talk Nerdy to Me: Drew watched half of The Watchmen movie and wished he could find some Gundam movies. Mike plays Painkiller and watches some BSG and Doctor Who. Also, Mike, Drew, and Co. carved up some…
Episode 19: Big Trouble in Little China: HAAAAAH!?!?
In this week’s episode, Mike and Drew truck along with the Pork Chop Express to get into some Big Trouble in Little China. Talk Nerdy to Me: Drew gets all nostalgic with old school gaming magazines from the days of yore. Mike restarts New Vegas, watches Pawn Stars, a little BSG, and SPORTS! WORLD SERIES! SPORTS!…
Episode 18: The Watchmen – Masterpiece TheaNerd
In this week’s episode, Mike and Drew flip through the pages of comic book classic, The Watchmen Talk Nerdy to Me: Mike surprisingly enjoys X-Men First Class, is underwhelmed by Bridesmaids, catches up on some Twin Peaks and Doctor Who, sells his life away to Skyrim, and experience the joy, pain, and misery of Dark Souls.…
Special Edition: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine – Part 1
Hello Nerds! Mike was out for most of the week and thus did not get to finish reading The Watchmen, So we discuss Mike’s long-term challenge instead! Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Have no fear! We will still be covering it in next weeks regularly scheduled podcast. In this Special Edition Mike and Drew are joined…
Episode 17: Enter The Dragon/Ip Man – Cobra Smacks and Writing Your Name On Rice
In this week’s episode, Mike and Drew HIYA! WOOHA! KYAAAAAA! while watching Enter The Dragon and Ip Man. Talk Nerdy to Me: Drew overcompensated for last weeks nerd slacking by catching up on Doctor Who, finishing off Game of Thrones, clicking away with Civ V, and getting curious about table top RPGs at Games Workshop. Mike takes…
Episode 16: Baccano – The Nerdy Pussyfoot
In this week’s episode, Mike and Drew get confused about what the heck is going on in Baccano! Talk Nerdy to Me: Drew has a Nerd-lite week and only gets to watch one Episode of Game of Thrones and Parks and Recreation. Mike plays Gears of War 3 until his eyes bled and cleans them out with…