Special Edition: Arrested Development – Drew Made A Huge Mistake

Reading, once again, proves too hard for Mike and Drew. So, this week they are talking about one of their favorite shows. Arrested Development. Special Edition challenge: (Courtesy Doug) Find something you have never noticed about Arrested Development. Next week’s challenge: (Courtesy of Geoffrey from WV) Continue to read Orson Scott Card’s Ender’s Game! As always, be sure…

Episode 49: EarthBound – Fuzzy Pickles!

In this week’s episode, Mike and Drew play the Super Nintendo Entertainment System cult classic, EarthBound! Listen to the episode here on the site or subscribe to our podcast on iTunes. Talk Nerdy to Me: Drew and Mike BOTH get excited for the new Mass Effect 3 ending and they also both finish Game of Thrones Season…

Episode 47: Farscape – Starburst On A Spaceship

In this week’s episode, Mike and Drew keep on truckin’ through space and time in Sci-Fi original series Farscape. Talk Nerdy to Me: E3 EXTRAVAGANZA! Drew and Mike ramble on about whats on the horizon for video games! This week’s challenge: (courtesy of Chris in Rockwall, TX) Watch the first 6episodes of Sci-Fi original series, Farscape! Next…

Episode 46: Titan AE – In The Year 2000!

In this week’s episode, Mike and Drew go on an intergalactic adventure with the animated film, Titan AE! Talk Nerdy to Me: MOAR DIABLO 3! Drew plays Batman: Arkham Asylum, imports a Japanese Gundam game. Mike plays some Trials HD and gets a new home theater system. This week’s challenge: (courtesy of Tk726) Watch Titan AE!…

Episode 44: Blue Gender – I Got The Blues

In this week’s episode, Mike and Drew get uncomfortable with the mechs and vaginal monsters of Blue Gender. Talk Nerdy to Me: Mike and Drew talk Diablo, Chrono Trigger, FLCL and The Pillows, Zombies, Run!, Bulletstorm, Final Fantasy 3, and gaming urban legends. This week’s challenge: (courtesy of Hawky316) Watch the first 11 episodes of Blue Gender, the…